Adam Hochfelder: Megacities in 2050

According to a new video published by Adam Hochfelder, donating in charity events and giving back to the community is amazing. At the same event, he talked about the towering high-rise apartment buildings, winding, and air filled with industrial smog are among the challenges the over 2 billion people will have to contend with in the Asia-Pacific region by 2050.

Urban demographics will broaden our challenges, as the already outpace population continues to grow. Such demand will increase policy and resource pressures, as our cities will be home to a middle class of 2 billion people by 2050, considers Adam. Some of these mega-urban regions might cross national boundaries in the form of planned or unplanned urban corridors.

The majority of the region’s population boom will continue in major cities like Jakarta, Shanghai, Delhi, and Tokyo, exacerbating a demographic surge that’s been pumping for over 20 years now. Currently, the Asia-Pacific region is home to 17 megacities but is expected to increase that number to 22 megacities by 2030, and 50 megacities to 2050.

While all of this growth in urban centers is already occurring, Hochfelder from New York has also found that many other cities are in decline, and different reasons, such as aging populations, loss of employment and de-industrialization, are traceable across the region.

About 70 percent of humanity will live in urban cities, and the planet will have over 400 megacities with more than 10 million inhabitants. On average, older people will prevail in demographics. While today the average age of human is around 28 years, as Adam Hochfelder informs, in 2050 the average will be 38 years, while average life expectancy will exceed 70. This will also change the way states function, while public and social services will face new problems.

Nevertheless, new technology developments and the opening of new markets will reduce the gap between rich and poor countries. The Average income, and with that the purchasing power of the population, will grow faster in the countries of Africa and Asia than in other parts of the world. According to Hochfelder this changes can even out the living standard differences that currently exist between the western world and the developing countries. Furthermore, the average woman in India will bear 2.5 children during her lifetime, instead of 10 as today.

Adam Hochfelder: Megacities in 2050